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New Wood Cook Stoves

TOAC Shop - Most Everything for Your Antique Stove...

Kitchen Queen Cook stoves, Amish made, wood cooking stove, wood heating,wood burning stove,cook stove,cook stoves, Cooking with wood,

Stove Mica Isinglass


Stove Mica - Isinglass

Oval Stove Pipe










Chambers Manuals

Safety Systems


Parlor Stoves


The Victorian Age is reflected in the designs and names of parlor stoves.

These stoves simulate the architecture of castles, Gothic churches, and Italian villas.

They are also lavish and intricate in design.

Made at the height of cast iron technology, such stoves display some of the finest examples of casting known today.

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1870's                    1849                    1844              1845                     1857



25" Wide

36" High

22" Long


Oak Peninsular

Oak Peninsular Oak Peninsular
DSCF0016.jpg (89084 bytes) DSCF0018.jpg (78301 bytes) DSCF0019.jpg (106818 bytes)
DSCF0021.jpg (89017 bytes) DSCF0023.jpg (110144 bytes) 63" High

32" Wide

32" Deep

Oak Peninsular

No 218


Florence 153

florence 153 florence 153 florence 153 florence 153
Florence 153


67" High

29" Wide

29" Deep



Wehrle 100

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wherle b.jpg (100900 bytes) Hard Coal

Base Burner

68" High

36" Deep

31" Wide

Wehrle 100 




1865 Ivy
  37" High

24" Wide

18" Deep


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1853 Bedroom Heater

Box Stove



Chattanooga  Stove Co 1870



19" Wide

26" Long

21" High 


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Accurate Information is a Commodity

Guessing the value of a stove over the phone is not accurate.

We don't do it! 

 We are not psychic.

*For information about your stove see Appraisals page.



For Questions:

Please Call

Monday - Friday 9 am to 5 pm est. 

(517) 767-3606

Antique Stoves, 410 Fleming Rd., Tekonsha, Michigan 49092


For The Old Appliance Club and GAS or ELECTRIC stove parts or information


(Please Note: The Old Appliance Club does not stock or sell any information on wood or coal stoves .)




Copyright © 2000 Antique Stoves® 

All rights reserved.
